
How to properly use grafted eyelash glue?

来源: 网络
时间: 2018-08-22


The beauty cilia who grafted eyelashes knows:

Summer glue problems will be very many, easy to produce stimulation, easy to lead to customer allergies, stimulating odor is very large, especially easy to sticky and so on!

Actually, in summer, eyelashes should be as durable as other seasons, so they must have 2 abilities.

First, it is the requirement that the cilia teacher must use and preserve glue.

The second is that the beauty division must choose glue type.

How can I use glue?

That is, when using glue, attention should be paid to the need for 90 degrees of glue drops, the bottle mouth needs to be rubbed clean, and the air in the bottle squeezed out some, so as to reduce the glue and air moisture combination, so that glue to keep fresh. Note that the humidity of the glue determines the curing speed of the glue, thus affecting the speed of grafting. The correct use of glue moisture should be about 55%. The curing speed of glue will be normal.

How can we save glue?

The suggestion from the Korean glue manufacturer is that the best glue in summer is to keep it in the fridge. Because when put outside, the temperature is too high to make the glue in the irritant volatile, so glue is very exciting, which is why the summer grafting eyelashes, do not pay attention to glue preservation, will also make customers more allergic. But glue is not put in the refrigerator on everything, glue generally need to be accompanied by temperature and humidity instruments, glue storage temperature in 10-15 degrees the best, humidity in 30-50%.

The use of glue and glue is not enough for the eyelash. Because each glue has different properties.

Professional glue manufacturers upgrade: glue ingredients are also practical and different seasons, just as a person with skin care products are the same, all year round need different types of replacement. The best type of glue in summer is soft vegetable glue, because it is easy to cause allergies in summer, and it is safer to choose the type of vegetable glue.

The second is soft, which is softer than the glue. This temperature in summer makes eyelashes more durable.

Well, if you learn to use and choose glue, are you more confident about the durability of your summer eyelashes? If you don't know this little trick, you may still walk for 1 years. This method is the most professional and authoritative information given by professional teachers from years of experience in eyelash practice and professional glue manufacturers.

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